lax.gif (21532 bytes)RedLogo.BMP (485046 bytes)InnFisk A/S

InnFisk A/S









Jon Løyland

4737 Hornnes

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Mobil 90625194

Future solutions     for freshwater fisheries

The Giant Trap Net

Revival of one of the oldest known fish traps. High catch efficiency on target spicies.

Examples of use:

Traditional fishery



Catch of escapees from the salmon industry

Catch of live and unharmed fish for:

-Stocking purposes

-Breeding purposes

-Feeding and production

- Sound management by back release of specific size classes of fish or vulnerable species in by catches, i.e. release of Atlantic salmon from catches off  brown trout or char    

Depth from 2m to 15m. Length from 30m to 180m. Meshsize from 10 mm and larger.

Cost effective time use

The Giant Trap Net

The giant trap net is based on the principle that the fish is guided into a chamber which is constructed to contain the fish. The idea is that fish which meet a hindrance tend to swim towards deeper waters.

The height of the trap net is normally decided on basis of the depth and bottom contour of the chosen fishing place. The selected site is usually a well known and good fishing place. 

The mesh size used in the box and lead net is normally 30 mm, whereas the compartment containing the fish at the rear end of the trap net has a mesh size of 15 mm. The mesh sizes can be adjusted according to fishspecies and  fishsize. 

The Floating Giant Trap Net

The floating giant trap net is developed for fishing pelagic fish in the surface areas of the pelagic zone. This net is therefore equipped with a much larger amount of cork for floating than the ordinary trap net. The dimension of the floating giant trap net is adjusted according to the targeted fish species. Normally the floating giant trap net is delivered with a depth of 5 meters or 10 m meters.


Revolutionary tool for inland fishery

Design and use: The labyrinth net (Norw. Storruse) is a passive fishing developed further in Norway, where it has been tested on tool which effectively catches all species of fish in fresh most of the species at different localities in southern water.
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Design In opposition to ordinary fishing nets the labyrinth net is based on the principle that the fish shall see the net and be led into it. The outer part ’ consists of a guiding net fixed at an angle from the shore, covering the whole vertical area from the bottom to the surface in its full length. The guiding net leads the fish into the first chamber consisting of two wings, then to a square opening which converges to a narrow passage into the second chamber. The inner part consists of several chambers successively becoming narrower until the fish is trapped in the last chamber where it can easely be picked up in good health.

Use The labyrinth net is set out in spring after the ice has melted. The set-up work lasts for two to ten hours, depending on the size of the fishing tool, with two persons in two boats. When the labyrinth net has been set up, it can be left for the whole season, just being emptied once or twice a week. Emptying takes about a quarter of an hour, depending on the amounts of trapped fish. If the quantity is below 30 kgs, the fish may be emptied directly into a container, but for larger catches a landing net must be used. For the set-up procedure a boat of minimum 15 ft and a 15 HP motor must be used. Ordinary emptying may be performed from a small row boat. The  labyrinth net may be left as long as the water is ice-free. The desmantling takes from one to five hours. This fishing tool catches all sizes from about 50 g and is therefore well suited for cultivating fishery. The fish is caught alive, and hence fish below or over certain size limits may be released. The tool may also be used in river segments where the current is not too strong.

Selection of size When choosing the net size it is necessary to know the fishing location thoroughly. It is essential to know where the fish gather, i.e. places known as good fishing spots that are not too deep, because length and depth decide the price of the tool.

Price Prices will vary from about 20.000 NOK for a tool with 2 m depth and 60 m length to about 90.000 NOK for one with 10 m depth and 130 m length. In addition it is recommended to add expenses for the tirst set-up and training. These prices are excluding transport, taxes and customs fees.  

InnFisk AS jumpfish.gif (7706 bytes)

V/ Jon Løyland

4737 Hornnes

Telefon: +47 90 62 5194



For ordering:

Jon Loyland

Mobil: + 47 906 25 194
